
Brian brushwood book test word list
Brian brushwood book test word list

brian brushwood book test word list

Dementia: there are a number of types of dementia, including: Alzheimer’s Disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia, Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and more.In some cases, your ability to remember might be affected permanently. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): memory loss due to TBI is known as post-traumatic amnesia and can last a few minutes, weeks or months.Surgery to remove the tumor should make a big difference in restoring your memory. Brain tumor: a tumor can affect your memory depending on how big it is and where its located.

brian brushwood book test word list

In some cases, the brain can recover from a stroke, but there might still be impairment.

  • Stroke: any form of stroke has the potential to affect cognitive ability, including memory.
  • Significant and long-term memory loss can be caused by the following:.
  • Underactive/Overactive thyroid: when the thyroid isn’t working properly, this can lead to cognitive issues including memory loss because the thyroid hormones play a part in memory and learning.
  • Lack of attention and poor concentration are also big factors here.
  • Depression: depression is widely linked with being able to remember more negative stuff, which by default, means that you might not remember anything else.
  • Stress and/or anxiety: usually stress and anxiety are caused by feelings of being overwhelmed, and as the mind tries to cope, it can make it more difficult for you to concentrate and remember things.
  • Alcohol consumption: drinking too much alcohol too quickly can cause temporary short-term memory loss and even blackouts.
  • If you’re taking more than one type of medication, your forgetfulness could be side effect of combining multiple drugs and could mean you need to change or reduce your dose.
  • Medication: certain prescription medications can affect your ability to remember.
  • Lack of sleep: when you haven’t had enough sleep, studies have shown that this can negatively affect your memory.
  • For the most part, these aren’t permanent and can almost always be effectively managed to get your memory back to normal.

    brian brushwood book test word list

    There are other common reasons for memory loss. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do about getting older, but we’ll be looking at things you can do to help treat age-related memory loss later on. One of the most common causes of memory loss is age. In this sense, memory loss happens when our brain is unable to find a piece of information in that store – it’s lost or forgotten. Unfortunately, sometimes this doesn’t work properly. Normally, when we want to remember something, we send a signal to our brain to go find and retrieve that piece of information. If we think of memory as a store of information that sits inside our brain.


    From simply forgetting where you left your car keys, to not being able to remember someone’s name, all the way through to forgetting how to get home or not recognizing family members. We can experience memory loss in a ton of different ways. Some people seem very gifted at rotating three-dimensional objections, while others struggle at this task - which shows we all have varying abilities. A rotation task tests your working memory by having you perform mental rotations within your visuospatial sketchpad.

    Brian brushwood book test word list